Energy Psychotherapy

Energy Psychotherapy

From the time of Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, it has been considered that a supportive relationship is a core element which contributes to a curative and successful therapeutic experience. I totally agree that the relationship between client and therapist is key and holds a central place in influencing therapeutic change.

However, I have encountered many occasions, particularly where a person is enveloped by elements of trauma which have become trapped in the body, where talking alone is rarely sufficient to reach and clear those body held traumatic memories and their powerful effects. For example, I have encountered soldiers and police officers who have suffered trauma whilst in the line of duty and, as a consequence, struggle with undiagnosed and untreated PTSD. These unresolved elements of trauma trapped in their systems can often prevent them from engaging with normal life and sustain healthy relationships. Some of the disturbing manifestations of unprocessed elements of trauma and PTSD can include flashbacks, restlessness, broken sleep and nightmares, stress and anxiety, anger and aggressive behaviour.

Other examples include a person who returns to "normal life" following a car accident (ranging from light to severe) and who begins to experience a disrupted sleep pattern often accompanied by an increase in anxiety and fear. The person is genuinely confused about not knowing why this should be - "it just doesn't make sense, why am I feeling like this"? It is not uncommon for the person to begin to develop a phobia about driving. The person is genuinely confounded. The person reasons - the accident happened weeks ago and is finished and completely over, but in reality there are elements of trauma (emotional and body-based) which have not been identified, processed and cleared. These untreated elements of trauma continue to remain problematic. PROBLEMS BURIED ALIVE NEVER DIE.

In the past twenty to thirty years, specific technologies have been developed which are actively applied in treatment and which are having impressive results with a wide variety of trauma and other based problems. Such methods include models drawn from the practice of energy psychology and psychotherapy. The fields of energy psychology and psychotherapy are quickly becoming popular because of their amazing ability to clear fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, depression, and many aspects of trauma. It is particularly effective in addressing elements of trauma, often trapped in the body where words alone cannot reach. One of the modalities of energy psychology known as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) has now been recognised by NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) as being a clinically effective and cost effective way of treating PTSD and other types of trauma and Is now included in the Collective Somatic and Cognitive Therapies approved by NICE.

If you need to resolve trauma, PTSD type symptoms, past issues, depression or other mental health issues I have over thirty years experience to bring to bear on your behalf. I am a professional member of ACEP (Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology) and experienced in working with trauma, anxiety, stress, depression, phobias, compulsions, panic attacks, and other fear based issues.

Energy Psychology Techniques

Energy Psychology techniques are recently discovered methods that provide rapid, effective, and often permanent relief from most psychological problems. Based on the latest findings from both science and psychology, these approaches coupled with talking therapy offer a potent and effective therapeutic intervention. Energy Psychology techniques stem from cutting-edge developments in the fields of acupuncture, medicine, psychology, chiropractic, kinesiology and neurobiology. This group of specific mind-body therapies and self-help techniques treat disruptions in the energy that runs through and around the body. These disturbances result from emotional distress, negative thinking and unwanted behaviours.

Energy Psychology techniques include working with the human energy system while using acupuncture meridians, acupressure points, chakras and the biofield surrounding the body. These processes may involve self-tapping, eye movements, or holding particular points on the body. The theory behind this technique is that old emotional wounds are stored in the body as blocked energetic patterns. Stimulating energy points removes the disturbance, allowing the body/mind system to process the troubling problem. As the energy is brought into balance, worrisome thoughts and memories about upsetting circumstances change and negative emotions diminish. This process takes place throughout our being.

Studies have shown dramatic changes in the brain that result in eliminating anxiety, depression, addiction, trauma, panic attacks and fears. Other problems that can be treated are: insomnia, eating disorders, fear of public speaking, negative thinking, anger, and performance anxiety. Disturbances in thoughts and emotions may change rapidly to produce positive results. Clients will be able to access unconscious beliefs and resistances and learn to release limiting beliefs and blocked emotions.

TFT - Thought Field Therapy

Psychologist Roger J. Callahan Ph.D. was looking for ways to improve his ability to treat his patients when he was introduced to muscle testing. He developed Thought Field Therapy after studying Applied Kinesiology. Thought Field Therapy is the first organised system specifically designed to treat psychological distress by balancing the body’s energy system. Dr. Callahan believed that the cause of psychological problems is a perturbation in what he called the individual’s “thought field”. The disturbance in the thought field causes disruption in the energy system that affects other systems in the body. Callahan discovered that by stimulating specific acupuncture points in a particular sequence, negative feelings were eliminated.

Callahan went on to treat a large number of people and studied their reactions. He created a number of recipes, called algorithms, of specific points that must be tapped in a distinct order. Each algorithm is designed to treat a specific emotion such as panic, anxiety, phobia, addictive urges, anger, and more. Each algorithm consists of a different number of points. In TFT the therapist uses muscle testing to determine meridian disturbances and instructs the person to gently tap on acupuncture points in the prescribed sequence to treat psychological problems. One of Dr. Callahan’s most important additions to this field is the awareness of the phenomenon he calls Psychological Reversal. When polarities are reversed, psychological problems don’t seem to improve no matter how hard the person works to overcome their problem. Callahan discovered energy points to tap that undo the reversal and allow the TFT treatment to succeed.

AIT - Advanced Integrative Therapy (Seemorg Matrix)

AIT, also called the Seemorg Matrix method was created by Asha Clinton Ph D. It is a complete transpersonal energy psychotherapy that synthesises features of many traditional and complementary treatment modalities. It provides individuals lasting relief from a range of psychological disorders, can help with physical diseases, allergenic symptoms and spiritual impasses. It quickly eliminates psychological disorders and emotionally related physical disorders by stimulating certain treatment points, thus providing profound and lasting relief with minimal emotional distress. The treatment points include all of the body’s major chakras (primary energy centres), as well as several minor chakras, and may include one or two acupressure meridian points.

AIT is based on the premise that all upsetting events are types of trauma, and are often housed within the body, mind and spirit. Working with AIT quickly removes the after-effects of such traumatic events. The process clears the traumatic residue such as disturbing emotions, negative beliefs and attitudes, destructive desire and fantasies, addictions, compulsions, obsessions, dissociation and spiritual blockage.

Advanced Integrative Therapy is based on the psychodynamic underpinnings provided by analytic psychology, object relations, and self psychology, on traumatology, energy psychology and energy healing, and on teachings and practices drawn from spiritual traditions.

PEP (Psychoanalytic Energy Psychotherapy

Over many years Dr Phil Mollon has developed this way of working with the energy system. Every trauma has an energetic coding. Through muscle testing/energy testing it is possible to identify where negative and traumatic elements have become trapped in the person's energy system. It is possible, through muscle testing, to discover the code in which these negative events and elements of trauma have become lodged in the person’s system. Knowing the recorded code can enable the therapist to work more precisely in releasing these specific problematic blockages from the person’s energy system.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Has a traumatic event in your life affected how you interact with people?

Do you relive it over & over in your mind?

Were you diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Would you like help?

Everyone has experienced at least one horrendous event in their life. When people are exposed to a terribly stressful event, they often can’t get the haunting images of it out of their waking thoughts or dreams at night. Anything remotely resembling that event will upset them excessively. Sometimes, an experience that only lasts a few minutes can affect you for a lifetime. These aftershocks are called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Life threatening events such as natural disasters, war, physical or sexual assault, robbery, accidents, threats of harm and terminal illness are often life threatening. Other terrifying events that cause trauma are: Medical or dental procedures or emergencies, car accidents, seeing your house burn down, the sudden death of a loved one, or being humiliated by a teacher in front of the class in childhood. Living in an abusive family, experiencing incest or long-term sexual abuse, enduring domestic violence and fighting in combat are just as serious. You could even be overwhelmed just hearing about something awful happening to a loved one or seeing a disaster on TV or in a graphic film.

If you react with intense anger, sadness or fear when thinking about a terrible past event, as if reliving it, you need treatment for these flashbacks. You may be suffering from trauma and not know it. It is as if you are still living in the “then,” not the “now.” Victims of trauma create a number of ways to cope when the experience is too horrible for the mind to handle. Many people “tough it out” or downplay the impact of what has happened, yet are plagued by nightmares. Others go into a state of denial and downplay the horror of the event.

Trauma sufferers often develop behaviours to avoid any reminders of the event by organising their lives around not feeling any upsetting emotions. Many won’t drive on particular streets or visit places associated with their trauma. Use of alcohol and drugs deadens feelings and avoids intrusive thoughts and memories. PTSD sufferers become hyper-alert and startle easily. It is as if the danger is just around the corner and they have to protect themselves at all times. Those who endured psychological physical or sexual abuse in childhood frequently believe it was their fault, secretly thinking they are basically bad or flawed and deserved the ghastly treatment. As a result many harm themselves compulsively. Self-inflicted pain seems to relieve the agony of the emotional pain.

© Bill Dillon

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